Data Science Course:- The Science of Cyber Security

Data Science as a career option offers immense career prospects to our youth. Data Science Course is an interdisciplinary academic field focused at extracting knowledge and useful insights from an unstructured and raw data by making use of statistics, scientific computing, processes, algorithms and systems. It is that branch of study which deals with a vast volume of data to detect unseen patterns and meaningful information for making important business decisions.
The data which is explored to derive meaningful information can come from different sources and in different formats.

As the world is witnessing a manifold increase in dependence on IT sector and its tools, Data Science is becoming increasingly essential in today’s business scenario presenting immense opportunities in the field of data science as career. Data Science Job has become a routine activity in many industries today. Most of companies have started to implement data science job techniques in order to give their business a boost and increase customer satisfaction.

Data Science Job opens doors for making new business strategies without incurring much on capital expenditure. A Data Scientist can draw actionable and valuable insights from within your existing business process. Various IT Courses available in Data Science :Data Scientist Master’s Program, Business Analytics Expert, Data Science with R Programming, Data Analyst Master’s Program, Big Data.

The process of Data Science involves six steps mainly. Here we will go through the six steps:-

1) Understanding your business problem

We must know the root cause of our business inefficiencies before we deliver any solution. The foremost thing to do before solving any problem is to identify the actual cause of the problem. Data questions are firstly translated into actionable business questions that is easy to be answered by the customers unambiguously. The inputs received from the customers is then turned into actionable outputs.


2) Data Acquistion

The second step in the process of data science is Data Acquisition or simply called as collection of raw data from various sources to solve the framed problem. This data can be structured as well as unstructured. This data is derived to give insights into business problem and turn it into a probable solution indeed. The data can be sourced from internal sources or purchased from external sources.


3) The Third step in the process of Data Science is Data Processing

After you have collected all the data you need by scanning all the sources be it internal or external, you will have to process it before going further in this directiona nd analyzing it. Data if not maintained properly can turn out to be a real mess which inturn can lead to errors in analysis of Data. Of all the collected data, you will have to remove the data that doesn’t make sense. Once you have maintained and processed the data completely, your data will then be ready for an exploratory data analysis (EDA).


4) Data Exploration

This step involves developing of ideas to help identify hidden patterns and insights from the data. One example in a data related to sales, one can identify a pattern depicting why sales of a particular region are going downwards or upwards. One must carefully notice this kind of data more thoroughly. Data Exploration is one of the most crucial step in data science process to prepare it for Data Analysis.


5) Data Analysis

Data Analysis involves the performance of various Data Analysis techniques on data. This step actually test your mathematical, statistical and technical knowledge. All the data science tools are used to crunch the data successfully and discover every potential insight. You may be able to find several aspects that affect the customers through this step.


6) Communicate the result

The final step in Data Science is communication of the findings through Data Reporting, Business Intelligence in easily readable formats such as graphs, charts and reports. After all the above steps, communication ofyour findings is very important to convey your findings to the respective official. Only proper communication, will lead to action and improper communication will lead to inaction.

You need to link the data collected and your insights to frame action to solve the problem.

Data Science as a fulfilling career and Job option:-

Data Science Jobs are booming like never before, From the banking and finance sector to the healthcare industry and the most stable of all times education sector, every sector is opening up doors for data Scientists and professionals. If you are looking for a stable and secure career option Data Science Job should be on your priority.

Data Science field is a constantly evolving field requiring continuous learning and upskilling. Data Science Job offers constant opportunities for learning new skills and gaining knowledge with growth opportunities.